Connect and catch up
There are opportunities to spend time with others at church throughout the week and we'd love to see you there!
Morning Prayers
On Monday mornings we meet in church for a quiet time of prayer at 9.30am.
Small Groups
Small Groups, often hosted in people's homes, run on a regular basis for Bible study, discussion, and prayer. All are welcome – contact us via Facebook to find out more.
Tuesday Fellowship
Weekly Tuesday Fellowship (2.30 – 4pm) is an opportunity for the older generation to spend time together and make new friends, often along with a presentation or demonstration.
Teddy totS
Teddy Tots provides pre-schoolers and their carers with a chance to meet, play, chat and relax together.
Friday mornings from 9.30am
Soup for the soul
Every Tuesday 1-2pm. Free simple lunch, tea/coffee and cake.
Friendly space to meet people and chat. Suitable for all ages.
Includes a short talk about spiritual matters, health and wellbeing.
Water Eaton Community Hub
In partnership with Bletchley and Fenny Town Council
Every Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
A membership programme that helps reduce good food going to waste and allows its members to buy their shopping for as little as £3.75 per week.
For more information, please click here or call Tim on 07883 984091 if you would like to become a member.
Community Groups
Monday Night Football - 5:30pm Lord Grey Academy astro pitch, £4 per week (over 18’s), contact Robert Grindley 07814 362 777
The Memory Club - Mondays fortnightly 2:15pm - 4:15pm (for people with early stages of dementia) For more information, please email
Boys Brigade & Girls Association - weekly 5:30 -9pm
MK Money Lifelines Debt Advice
Disabled Club - afternoons - 1st Wed in the month
Rainbows - weekly - 6pm - 7pm (term time only)
Brownies - weekly - 6pm - 7:30pm (term time only)
Chair Exercises for over 60's - weekly 1:30pm - 3pm (except the 1st Thurs in the month)
Monthly Craft Club - first Thursday of every month 2pm - 4pm
Friday Club - fortnightly 7pm - 9pm
Lakes Bingo Club - alternate Fri/ Sat evenings 6pm - 7:30pm
If you would like to find out more, please drop us a line.