Weaving Trust event at Water Eaton Church Centre
A small group of the Citizens MK alliance met here at St Frideswide’s on 24th March just after the morning service. This was the second of a number of planned Weaving Trust events between the 12 member institutions of Citizens MK. Each time people meet, the event is different: conversations, people, focus of conversation. But the one thing that remains the
same is the rich opportunity Weaving Trust events provide to develop understanding between people and a greater self-awareness. Have a read of what people learned on that Sunday morning as they took part in this unique Weaving Trust.
A common idea throughout was the similarities in our concepts of spirituality and trying to connect with God.
Being still enables listening, exploring spiritual practice
We are not so different. It bridges the gap to listen to where others are coming from and how far they have gone in pushing for change. That as a Christian woman I have more in common with a Muslim woman I met today, in terms of our spiritual habits or prayer etc than I expected. That spiritual experiences now and again during our lives are so important and can be when we are furthest away from the Lord.
Sometimes we think we are taking God into situations / conversations, but God is already there!
The next Weaving Trust event is taking place on the 29 th April 7pm at the Quaker Centre, 1 Oakley Gardens, Milton Keynes MK15 9BH. Please come and join us!
Nudrat Congregational Development & Community Organiser