'Stick man Jesus'
Some of our young people recently spent an evening digging into the gospels to get to know Jesus better. They used a 'stick person' tool to guide them - searching for the important relationships in his life, the places he spent time, the hopes and fears he might have experienced, and the significant moments in his life. Some really interesting observations and questions emerged... the pain Jesus felt in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14. 32-42); that he spent time with outsiders and 'sinners' (Luke 19); who were Jesus' family? (Mark 3. 31-35); how much did Jesus know about what would happen to him on the cross and in the tomb?
We had already spent some time with our own 'stick person' thinking about 'what makes me me?' Getting to know ourselves better, fearfully and wonderfully made (psalm 139), and thinking about how we can relate to Jesus has laid a good foundation for thinking about prayer and discipleship. There'll be more to share in the coming weeks...!