A Greenhouse in Winter
On a cold February morning, the Winter Gathering of the Milton Keynes Greenhouse convened at St Frideswide’s.
A Greenhouse or Missional Learning Community to give its proper name is a gathering of teams of people from across a region (in our case, Milton Keynes) who are exploring new ways of doing church in their local areas.
We had teams starting Muddy Church as well as Cafe Church and quite a few ‘undecideds’ who simply wanted to find out more to inform their discernment. We looked at different models and focused on the missional journey . We took time to pray for our initiatives (seedlings!). We shared our successes as well as pains and frustrations. We listened and learned as each team offered their learning.
It's great to have space to explore missional questions in such a mutually supportive and creative environment. I really appreciated the careful and insightful facilitation which enabled us to dive deeper into the theological underpinnings of mission, as well as exchanging practical ideas and wisdom.
- Revd Ruth Harley, The Watling Valley Partnership
There was plenty to eat and drink while we were getting to meet each other. The highlight of the morning was an interactive reflection led by Revd Ruth Harley on the topic of compost! My take away was that as just as you cannot control compost you cannot control or predetermine the outcomes of a nascent missional community. Which I thought was quite reminiscent of being led by the Holy Spirit.
I found the presentation about how you (as a church) had been engaged in Community Organising as a new way of 'being church' and the lovely fluidity of the 'missionary journey' model as you responded to local need and what you were learning as you developed and expanded the project. I meant to say how enlightening that had been, and I am sure we will be able to use it in the Benefice as the new developments begin to arrive. So I would say " adaptable model, useful for focusing how an activity is developing”.
- Hilary Web, The Wolverton Benefice
Intrigued? Interested? The Summer Gathering of the MK Greenhouse will take place on Saturday 8th June at the Cross & Stable Church. Find out more and Register here.