MP Callum Anderson’s visit to Water Eaton Church Centre

After four Zoom planning meetings with members of the community in our constituency of Buckingham and Bletchley, twelve different community groups and/or institutions met in the worship space at WECC. We had all gathered there to welcome our newly elected MP

Callum Anderson- the time had come to fulfill his promise to meet our community!

It’s on….. it’s off….. it’s on!!!

We, as a collective, had been tested the evening before the visit with the news that Callum had been called to Westminster for a vote; it was clear that despite his eagerness to meet us, Callum would not be present at the event which community members had shaped and designed. The decision was taken by the same community members that the gathering should still take place as it would give us the opportunity to meet others who are playing apositive role in this part of Bletchley.

With home-made vegetable soup and plenty of other warm food to welcome everyone, thirty-two residents of our constituency, leaders of institutions, health services, charity managers and faith leaders gathered to hear the ‘Good News’ stories from each other. Did you know that Sir Herbert Leon school is now rated ‘Good’ by OFSTED? Did you know that the Social Prescribers in our area regularly attend WECC to connect with community members? Did you know that the Headteacher of Knowles Nursery never turns away a family looking for a nursery- place for their child no matter what the challenges?

A number of people had the opportunity to meet for the first time and find out about the particular challenges that each institution faces. We also heard about the changes that we would like to see in our own groups and institutions. As people sat face-to-face with a person

whom they would not have met before, they started listening to each other, valuing the voice of the other; this room full of people took a big step towards developing their understanding of solidarity.

Oh I forgot to mention, Tom and Hannah who are part of Callum’s team, attended the event in his place. Without much pomp, ceremony or notice, the community groups moved to be the centre and reason for the event – maybe that’s how it should have been always.


StFrideswides Church