What is your story?
As we gathered on Saturday 22nd, to share our personal stories in the context of St.Frideswide’s, a few things were very clear: that there are a diverse group of people who gather under the umbrella of St.Frideswide’s, that a growing number of people experience this physical space as a safe one and that we have the capacity, the patience to listen to all! What a characterful, momentous and exciting storyline to be a part of!
The opportunity for reflection is a good thing and that is exactly what Saturday was about. We noted some things that have remained unchanged: a love of ice-cream to note just one!
A range of people connected to this faith-community shared their reflections and the most common word that was heard was ‘community’.
The life and faith experiences were just as diverse as the people with Buddhist, Muslim and Christian faiths represented. As we prioritised renewing our relationships with one another, many commented on the people they had met for the first time even though they had been attending St.Frideswide’s for ages. The exercise of Weaving Trust (or Fast Friends as we call it here at St.Frideswide’s) deepened our relationships further by considering given questions together.
As we sat in small groups around tables for Dwelling in the Word there was space to hear God individually and for our faith-community. What an opportunity to develop the story of St.Frideswide’s further, aware of God’s presence and rooted in our community.